Contact us

Enquire about our unlisted direct property funds

Including Direct Industrial Fund No.4, Direct Office Fund, Direct PFA Fund and Direct Long WALE Fund.

Charter Hall

Charter Hall


For enquiries regarding the management of a fund, including performance, strategic direction, property portfolio and new investment opportunities.

Registry –  Boardroom

Registry –  Boardroom

Fund administration

For enquiries regarding your holding (including account balance, unit price, distribution), changing contact details and assistance with online facilities. Please have your investor number (on your distribution statement) at hand.

GPO Box 3993, Sydney, NSW, 2001

Enquirie about our listed property funds

Including Charter Hall Group, Charter Hall Retail REIT, Charter Hall Long Wale REIT and Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT.

Charter Hall

Charter Hall


For enquiries regarding the management, property portfolio and performance of our A-REITs.

Registry – Link Market Services

Registry – Link Market Services

Fund administration

For enquiries regarding your holding (including tax statements, distributions) and changing contact or bank details. 

Locked Bag A14, Sydney South, NSW, 1235

Enquire about a space

Enquire about an existing space or how we can help design a custom solution for your business. Complete the form and we'll get in touch, or search for a specific property and contact the team directly.

Contact us

General enquiries, including media and accounts payable

Sydney - Head Office

Sydney - Head Office

Level 20, No.1 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW, 2000

GPO Box 2704, Sydney, NSW, 2001      



Level 23, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000



Level 3, The Annex, 275 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000

PO Box 12180, Brisbane, Qld, 4001



Level 1, 306 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000



Part Ground Floor, Telephone Exchange Building, GPO Exchange, 10 Franklin Street, Adelaide, 5000

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We take all complaints seriously and are committed to addressing them fairly, promptly and efficiently.

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