
We take all complaints seriously.

At Charter Hall, we are focused on creating mutual success by partnering closely with our customers. It's this approach to partnership that drives the way we do business, establishes trust and builds long-lasting relationships.

We know that listening and learning from our customers is critical in continuously improving our approach, and that includes providing our customers an opportunity to voice their concerns if our products or services do not meeting their expectations.

We are committed to an open, accessible, and effective complaint management system that aligns with the guidelines set out in Australian Standard AS/NZS 10002:2014.

Complaints and feedback also provide opportunities for us to gain a greater understanding of how our partnership approach is working in practice and consider where we should invest as we continue to grow and evolve. This Policy applies to all the entities within the Charter Hall Group (Charter Hall). You can find a copy of our complaint management policy here

If you have a complaint
Complaints will be dealt with by different parts of our business according to who is best placed to deal with the matter being raised.

Send us a complaint

Non-investment related complaints
If you have a complaint that does not relate to one of our investment funds or you need additional assistance to lodge a complaint please contact our Complaints Officer using the details shown.


Complaints Officer

Complaints Officer

Securityholders and investor complaints
If you're an investor and have a complaint please call the appropriate Registry using the details shown. If you use a financial planner or broker they can convey the complaint to us on your behalf.

Indirect investors also have access to the Charter Hall dispute resolution process. If you are an indirect investor, please contact the Complaints Officer using the details above.

For listed property funds CHC, CQR, CLW and CQE, contact:

Registry – MUFG Corporate Markets

Registry – MUFG Corporate Markets

Fund administration

For all unlisted direct property funds, contact:


Registry –  Boardroom

Registry –  Boardroom

Fund administration

If your complaint about an investment product has not been resolved within 30 days, or you are not satisfied with the process followed, you may seek assistance from the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AFCA is a free and independent dispute resolution service that considers complaints about financial service providers and their affiliates operating in Australia. The Service can investigate disputes that fall within their Terms of Reference and make decisions that are binding on the financial services provider. Contact details for AFCA are:

GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001 (Australia)

1800 931 678

Charter Hall Funds Management Limited (ACN 082 991 786) 
Charter Hall Retail Management Limited (ACN 069 709 468) 
Charter Hall Investment Management Limited (ACN 168 439 763) 
Charter Hall Direct Property Management Limited (ACN 073 623 784) 
Charter Hall WALE Limited (ACN 610 772 202) 
Charter Hall Wholesale Management Limited (ACN 006 765 206)
Charter Hall FLK Funds Management Limited (ACN 138 125 881)
Charter Hall Social Infrastructure Limited (ACN 111 338 937)
Charter Hall Property Securities Management Limited (ACN 104 512 978)
Folkestone Seniors Living Management Limited (ACN 094 185 092)


Personal information collected and accessed during the investigation of a complaint will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.