Open for Investment

Charter Hall Direct Long WALE Fund (LWF)

LWF targets long WALE properties with a focus on resilient property sectors and essential services.

Properties are actively managed to generate regular income and the potential for capital growth over the long term.

Each property is regularly assessed for its income outlook and strategic value and properties will be acquired subject to meeting the Fund’s investment criteria.

Some of the properties that LWF currently invests in are detailed below. The property portfolio is subject to change from time to time.

Key portfolio metrics

Portfolio value1








Average lease term1,2


6.8 years


Number of properties





Top 5 tenants1,2,3









Portfolio metrics5


No. of Properties

Valuations ($m)

Geographic diversification1,4


































Sector diversification (by income)1,2


All figures as at 31 December 2024 unless otherwise stated.

1 Reflects LWF portfolio metrics as at December 2024. Note portfolio is subject to change from time to time.
2 Weighted by income.
3 Australian Government comprises both Federal and State Government. 
4 Calculated by value. 

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Important Information
The responsible entity of and issuer of units in the Charter Hall Direct Long WALE Fund (ARSN 622 080 979) (Fund) is Charter Hall Direct Property Management Limited (CHDPML) (ABN 56 073 623 784; AFSL 226849). CHDPML as responsible entity for the Fund has issued a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) dated 1 September 2020, which sets out the offer to apply for units in the Fund , and has made a target market determination (TMD) for the Fund. This website is not intended to be and does not constitute a Product Disclosure Statement or disclosure document as those terms are defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It does not constitute an offer for the issue sale or purchase of any securities or any recommendation in relation to investing in any asset. This website has been prepared without taking account of any particular investor's objectives financial situation or needs. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this website, CHDPML does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any statement in it, including without limitation any forecasts or opinions, and persons viewing this website should conduct their own inquiries and investigations. Forecasts, opinions and estimates provided on this website are based on assumptions, contingencies and market conditions which are subject to change without notice, and may involve significant elements of subjective judgement and assumptions as to future events which may or may not be correct, and should not be relied upon as an indication of future performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Distribution forecasts are subject to risks outlined in the PDS and distributions may vary in the future. The information contained on this website is subject to change, and CHDPML is not responsible for providing updated information to any person. To the maximum extent permitted by law CHDPML disclaims all liability for any loss or damage which may arise out of the provision to or are by any person of the information contained in this website. All figures stated herein are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated. If you are considering an investment in any Fund (or making a decision about continuing to hold units in any Fund) you should read the PDS in its entirety and consider the information set out in the PDS in relation to the offer. The PDS sets out the benefits and features of the Fund and the risks of, and fees and costs associated with, investing in the Fund. You can request a copy of the PDS and the TMD, free of charge, by calling CHDPML on 1300 652 790 and they are also available on this website or by contacting your financial adviser. Applications for units in in any Fund can only be made under the application form enclosed with the relevant PDS. As this website has been prepared without taking account of any particular investor's objectives financial situation or needs, it is important that you consider the PDS for the offer and seek appropriate professional advice having regard to your objectives financial situation and needs before making any investment decision in relation to the offer or the Fund. CHDPML does not receive fees in respect of the general financial product advice it provides, however it will receive fees for operating the Fund, in accordance with the Fund’s constitution. Entities within the Charter Hall Group may also receive fees for managing the assets of, and providing resources to, the Fund which are generally based on the value of the Fund’s assets. For more detail on fees, see the PDS. Any investment is subject to risk, including possible delays in payment and loss of income and principal invested. You should read the PDS for a description of the risks associated with investing in the Fund. You should read the TMD for a description of the target market of the Fund. Neither CHDPML nor any of its associates, related entities or directors guarantee the performance of any investment or the repayment of monies invested. If this website states that any Fund has been rated or has received a rating, you should be aware that ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when deciding whether to invest in the Fund.